Check out my recycled plastic ripple purse! I have had a ripple purse on my to-do list for quite awhile. I am happy to report that it’s finally completed and here is the result. This Chevron pattern is a bit more difficult when you are using recycled plastic bags. I crocheted the recycled grocery bags together and lined my purse when finished. If you are new to crocheting with plastic bags, here is the picture tutorial to help you.
Here is a picture of the inside lining.
Click on photos to view full-sized
One more picture with the strap untied.
I hope you enjoy this recycled plastic bag pattern and as always happy green crafting to you!
Free Crocheted Recycled Ripple Purse Pattern
Purse measures 8 inches wide and 8 inches long.
Strap length is 32 inches when not tied.
Material: One ball of plastic bags cut into 1 inch strips of blue and smaller ball of green
One button 1-1/4″ button shown on bag.
Hook: Metal H (5 mm) hook
Chain 32 – Working with blue plarn. Turn.

My blog is one year old. I can’t believe that it’s been a year already since that first post on January 24, 2007. I remember being so nervous about buying the domain name MyRecycledBags.com and wondering if anyone would want to read about free ideas crafting with plastic bags and other recycled materials. It’s like they say though — build it and they will come. Well I have built this recycled crafting site and I’m happy to report that you all have come and kept coming back for more eco crafting.
Thank you everyone and please keep coming back and sharing the joy of green crafting here!

Here are three different dishcloths with built-in plastic scrubbers I’ve crocheted recently. The centers are made using recycled plastic bags to create cotton dishcloths with scrubbing power. Quite a while back I made some scrubbers from plastic bags found here. Recently I thought about combining a pot scrubber with a dishcloth. These three products are my results. Just remember machine wash gentle and hang dry otherwise the centers will melt in your dryer. So check it out and make yourself a cute pot scrubber dishcloth today!
Here is part I of the patterns for each dishcloth shown above. Part I has the blue green dishcloth and the round red one. Part II will be coming soon that will have the pattern for the pink motif square dishcloth.
Free Blue Green Round Dishcloth with Scrubber Pattern
Dishcloth measures: 10 inch round
Hook: Metal H (5 mm) US sized hook
1- Sugar & Cream Cotton yarn ball Summer Splash (used about 3/4 of ball)
Small amount of Green and Blue plastic bag plarn for scrubber center
With center color (Green shown) Ch 5, Sl St to form ring.

This week’s featured recycled bag is a girl’s purse. I call it the Sunshine Purse. Spring is coming and this would be a bright and colorful bag for any young girl. It is crocheted from plastic grocery bags using a granny square stitch. I added a small flowered button to finish off the bag.
I hope you enjoy crocheting this purse for a special little girl in your family or for someone you know. As always you will find the complete free recycled purse pattern below.
Girl’s Sunshine Granny Square Purse Pattern
Bag measures: 6-1/4″ square bag with 22 inches long strap
Hook: Metal N (9 mm) crochet hook
Materials: Ball of yellow plastic bag yarn (plarn) & small amount of white plastic bag plarn for center Motif
One small button for center of Motif if desired
Make two Motifs squares.
With center color (White shown) Ch 4, Sl St to form ring.
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