I am One Year Old!
My blog is one year old. I can’t believe that it’s been a year already since that first post on January 24, 2007. I remember being so nervous about buying the domain name MyRecycledBags.com and wondering if anyone would want to read about free ideas crafting with plastic bags and other recycled materials. It’s like they say though — build it and they will come. Well I have built this recycled crafting site and I’m happy to report that you all have come and kept coming back for more eco crafting.
Thank you everyone and please keep coming back and sharing the joy of green crafting here!
Feb 22, 2008
What a unique site! I’m glad I stumbled across it.
I’ve never seen someone crochet using plastic bags. I’ve done twist-and-tie myself, but never tried something as intricate as what you’re doing. They must take a lot of work and time, but they’re great.
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!
Feb 22, 2008
Happy Blog Birthday! I always enjoy your patterns, and love the way you find new uses for stuff that would normally be thrown away. Thank you for sharing all your innovations!
Feb 22, 2008
Happy Blog Birthday! I love reading your blog and I like your recycled bags and things!
Feb 22, 2008
i have found you and I intend coming back regularly even if I do not always leave a comment.
Feb 22, 2008
Thanks for all the sharing of those plastic recycled bags, and being there for the first year, it has been a pleasure doing most of them. I am one of those that keep checking each day to see if you have added anything new with the plastic or what you send. I love all of it.
Feb 23, 2008
Happy Bloggiversary! I’ll be adding your button to my sidebar.
Feb 23, 2008
you deserve
Feb 23, 2008
Happy B Birthday!
Silvia š
Feb 24, 2008
Thanks for your comments, I love your site by the way, great ideas.
Feb 26, 2008
A hearty congratulations on hitting the one year milestone!
Feb 28, 2008
it’s my first time in your blog (was searching for crochet-plastic-bags on google) and I just wanna thank you for all these patterns š
I’m sarting one little girl-bag, lets see how it will turn out!
Happy Birthday, by the way!
ps – just for the record: i’m portuguese š
Mar 21, 2008
I just went ahead and added your button…as I see that’s why you might have placed it there!! Thank you for such awesome ideas- what a great way to apply the 3 R’S!! Your work is FAB-O and I will definitely be back. Congrats on making a 1 yr. a huge accomplisment. These patterns are outstanding!!! I’m inspired to make something with PLARN!!!