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Essay: Recycling Plastic Bags

April 25, 2016 1 comment
Plastic Bag to Recycle

What is the most popular common item that pollutes natural environment? Without doubt, it is the plastic bag. The plastic bag is the most usual and integral part of our life. Sometimes, we do not pay attention to the fact that every store provides us with packs of plastic bags. They are used as sacks or wraps of food products and all other kinds of goods. There is hardly a person who does not carry her goods from a shop in a small or big plastic bag. When you enter a supermarket, you take a plastic bag automatically in order to keep apples, potatoes, oranges or biscuits there. An average customer takes more than ten plastic bags being in a supermarket. Thus, a supermarket uses thousands of bags daily. A chain of supermarkets uses millions of plastic bags annually. When we take a plastic bag, we do not think about its fate. We do not think about the problems that can occur when we throw it away. The effect of this action is dramatic whereas this item requires hundreds of years to be recycled in the natural way. Therefore, billions of plastic bags pollute seas, oceans, rivers and soil. Very often, plastic bags are found in the stomachs of fish, birds and wild animals. Needless to say but such a simple thing as a plastic bag can kill an animal. What is more, plastic bags spoil the general view of our streets and parks. Although they do not cause harm directly, the view of lying plastic bags in the street is not aesthetic. Thereof, it is vital to collect plastic bags and utilize them making our planet cleaner.

The best way to stop the enormous rates of littering is to recycle plastic bags inasmuch as they are the main sources of pollution. Many people think that it is impossible to recycle plastic bags. Others think that plastic bags are ecologically unsafe and they prefer using paper bags. In fact, scientists have proved that plastic bags are safe and more profitable than paper bags. According to the latest information, no more than 0.5% of one barrel of oil is used for the production of all plastic bags that are used in the USA. For that reason, plastic bags are more economical whereas a paper bag requires 70% more energy for its production. Consequently, paper bags contribute into the increase of the rates of global warming process. In addition, natural gas and oil is not as considerable as wood.

How can one recycle plastic bags?

Earth Day 2016

April 20, 2016 2 comments
Earth Day 2016

Happy Earth Day! April 22, 2016 is the 46th year of celebrating Earth Day. Earth Day is not just about one day a year but rather to bring focus on our Earth and keep it going all year long. Whether you are planting a tree, attending a rally, picking up litter, recycling materials or bringing awareness to our precious Earth in some other way, the key is to DO something.

As they say, every little bit helps and our Earth needs every one of us to do our part. If you are a long time reader of this blog, you know I love to recycle materials and use them to create new and useful items. I recycle plastic bags, plastic packaging, t-shirts, old linens, cassette and video tapes, and denim jeans. I also reclaim yarn from old sweaters and repurpose plastic lids, rings and old purse handles. I try and do my part which I know is a small thing and again when we all do a little, it can make a big difference.

So on this Earth Day 2016, try recycling, repurposing, or reusing something. If you need ideas, I have free tutorials and patterns on how to use many different recycled materials on my blog. If you have questions,

Vintage Red Plastic Water Bottle Holder

April 10, 2016 No comments yet
Vintage Red Plastic Water Bottle Holder

I was so excited to receive these unique vintage red newspaper bags from an on-line friend Judy. She saved them from her delivery of a newspaper and mailed them to me. I cut about 30 bags into 1 inch wide strips using this newspaper plarn-making tutorial for the narrow bags.

Here is a photo of one of the long narrow newspaper sacks I recycled into yarn aka plarn.

The water bottle holder was crocheted using this free

Mini Galaxy of Change

April 2, 2016 No comments yet
Mini Galaxy of Change

Just a quick post to review and share the Mini Galaxy of Change blanket pattern. I have crocheted other blanket patterns from Frank O’Randle and have enjoyed working the unique stitch patterns he presents in his works.

I crocheted the blanket with a H (5 mm) crochet hook and used most of the colors called for in the pattern. I did use Teal colored yarn instead of one of the blues as I had it on hand. Here is a closeup of the center portion.

Here is the free crochet pattern

About Me

Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

Thank you for stopping by to visit and for your interest in My Recycled Bags!