In March, I crocheted a recycled plastic bag or plarn basket for an upcoming fundraiser. The post and details about the basket are found here.
I filled the basket with some jar opening helpers, dishcloths, a towel with a crocheted topper, a candle, a potholder, a notepad and some wine. Hopefully a fun assortment of different things which will be a auction favorite for my local Relay For Life.
The jar opening helpers are crocheted with just a bit of cotton and the pattern is available here.
Next in the basket is:

For an upcoming Library fundraiser, I have been working on this auction bucket of items.
The bucket includes a recycled tote bag crocheted from plastic bags made into plarn, a potholder towel, a heart cloth, a bottle of wine, wooden spoons, candles, chocolates, and a crocheted dish scrubbie.
Here are photos of the potholder towel and the dish scrubbie I crocheted with cotton yarn and a strip of netting held together.

I am kicking off my first post for the 2022 mini Christmas stocking drive for Warmth for Warriors. Warmth for Warriors (W4W) organization is again requesting help to crochet, knit, or sew mini Christmas stockings for the troops. Stockings should be 6 inches long and any pattern style or color is accepted. Stockings that are a little smaller or larger are okay too.
The miniature stockings will be filled at W4W Headquarters with soaps, toiletries, and candies for overseas to our troops as a little Christmas gifts. The little stockings filled with goodies are a wonderful way to say thank you to our troops and give them a little Christmas cheer during the holidays.
These stockings were all crocheted using my free BLO mini Christmas stocking pattern.
Last year the W4W Christmas stocking drive received 4072 in stockings! We are hoping at least to reach the mark again or better in 2022. Below is my first full batch of stockings for the 2022 drive.
If you are interested in helping with our drive this year, please come join us over at

Warmth for Warriors (W4W) is once again having a hat drive for our troops and Veterans. Wool hats are used overseas and other blends of yarn hats are used stateside for our Veterans in hospitals, other VA facilities and outreach programs. Warmth for Warriors needs and accepts hats all year long. Here is the link to the 2022 hat drive that I am heading up.
Last year W4W received 2852 wool hats and 2074 in acrylic hats. We are excited to start crocheting and knitting hats for this year’s drive. Here is my first batch of hats that I just mailed off to W4W headquarters. You can also find W4W on Facebook here. Need a hat pattern? Check out our hat pattern page here for lots of ideas and free patterns.

Just wrapping up my Christmas in July stockings for Warmth for Warriors. Here is the group of stockings I have crocheted. These are all about 6 inches long and will be filled with little goodies for the troops for Christmas.
We will continue to make stockings for Warmth for Warriors until November. So if you’d like to help us out, come visit our Warmth for Warriors group here. We also make hats for our troops all year long and would love to have more help.
A special thank you to all the people who joined in our Christmas in July event at Good Things Together. We had a fun and successful event in support of our troops.
Congratulations to Lisi aka KnitnArnd who won

Well it is July and we are kicking off our Christmas in July theme. We are once again promoting mini stocking-making for Warmth for Warriors over at the Good Things Together group on Ravelry.
Each year we host a Christmas is July event for handcrafted stockings that will be filled at W4W Headquarters with soaps, toiletries, and candies for overseas to our troops as a little Christmas gifts. The little stockings filled with goodies are a wonderful way to say thank you to our troops and give them a little Christmas cheer during the holidays.
Here are some patriotic mini Christmas stockings I crocheted using the cuffed stocking pattern with the fold-over option. You can find more of my free crochet Christmas patterns here.
Please join us in supporting our troops and making mini Christmas stockings this July. There will also be a prize for all participants in the Christmas in July event. Anyone who makes even one stocking for the event, will be entered in a random prize drawing for

Just finishing up this year’s mini Christmas stocking drive for Warmth for Warriors. Here are a few of the final ones I crocheted. I call these my candy cane stockings. I used this pattern for the 6 inch stockings but did work in both loops. I crocheted 2 rounds in each color and just carried the yarn colors inside the stocking to hide my color changes. Works out well and you can’t notice the color changes too much.
We had a very successful year of making mini Christmas stockings for the troops through Warmth for Warriors. In case you aren’t familiar with the organization, you can read more about them here. Last year over 3100 stockings were handcrafted and filled with little goodies for our troops. They were shipped to military troops as a small token of our appreciation to bring a bit of holiday cheer to them for Christmas. We haven’t gotten the final tally for the stockings made this year but I do know it was another great year.
Now we are busy handcrafting

I just had to follow-up on my Christmas in July stocking making. I crocheted 17 mini stockings in July for the Warmth for Warriors. We are having a stocking-along event for them over at Ravelry at the Good Things Together group. We are having so much fun and accomplishing so many stockings that we have decided to extend the event until August 8.
So it’s not too late to join in on the fun of crafting mini stockings for the troops. Plus there is even a prize that you have a chance to win should you participate. You just simply need at least one stocking to be entered for the prize drawing of a free pattern. Click here

It’s time again for another Christmas in July stocking drive for Warmth for Warriors. We are once again making mini Christmas stockings for the troops and sending them in to be filled with little items for Christmas gifts for our soldiers through Warmth for Warriors (W4W).
Each year the miniature stockings are filled at W4W Headquarters with soaps, toiletries, and candies for our troops for Christmas. The little stockings filled with treats are a wonderful way to say thank you to our troops and give them a little Christmas cheer during the holidays. We also need donations of the little hotel sized soaps, shampoos, chapsticks and other small items for stuffing the stockings.
Good Things Together over at Ravelry is hosting the special Christmas in July event. More details including how you can participate and win a prize can be found here.
You can crochet, knit, sew, weave, or loom any Christmas stocking for our troops. We try and aim for the Christmas stockings to be about 6 inches in length. But a little bigger or smaller is fine too. Here is a link to some free patterns should you need some project ideas for making stockings. Be aware that our deadline this year for arrival at W4W headquarters is
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