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Recycled Paper Bag Mailer

Posted on July 26, 2008

Ever need a large envelope for mailing? Well I frequently need large mailers for some of my recycled bags I ship. Here is a tip I wanted to share on how to make your own paper mailer from a recycled brown paper bag.
Paper Bag Mailer

I cut the end off the bag and folded it in half. I then stitched up the two sides using the zig-zag stitch on my sewing machine. I left the top open to insert my items for shipping.
Paper Sack Click on photos to view full-sized

Here is a close up of the stitching.
Sack Stitching

After putting my items inside the bag, I then folded over the top and stitched my mailer closed. You can also glue around the edges for extra strength if needed. My recycled paper bag mailer is now ready to address and take to my post office for shipping.
Brown Paper Mailer

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9 Responses to “Recycled Paper Bag Mailer”

  1. Debbie
    Jul 26, 2008

    Good idea! The only problem is, since I take my own reusable bags shopping, I never get any paper bags (or plastic ones, either).

  2. Moonshadow
    Jul 29, 2008

    I used to always make my own mailing envelopes, only I actually make cardboard templates to cut out mailers that were just like the store bought and then I glued them together. I make my own envelopes for my cards too. My Print Shop program has a template that prints them.

  3. Brittany Roberts
    Jul 30, 2008

    Great idea. most of the stuff I mail is out is usually textbooks, so I just wrap them using a paper bag the same way as you would a gift. I love all the different ideas on your site, especially all the plarn crochet patterns!

  4. lakelandmom
    Aug 05, 2008

    GREAT idea! It seems many were already aware of it, but I for one had not thought of it. Thanks!
    Debbie: Just ask your bag-boy the next time you’re at the grocery store. They have to give you paper if you request it. My store even gives me ‘extras’ – that is – nothing in them still folded up.

  5. All Things Eco Blog Carnival Volume Eleven | Focus
    Aug 07, 2008

    […] carnival. I am very happy with this week’s turnout, so let’s keep it going RecycleCindy presents Recycled Paper Bag Mailer posted at My Recycled RecycleCindy says, “Recycle a brown paper grocery bag into a mailer […]

  6. green blog
    Aug 11, 2008

    Hey, nice work with the stitching. I’m actually impressed with what you have done here. The more I visit and read your posts, the more idea that I get so that I can try out with different new stuff.

  7. Sharon Mathews
    Sep 27, 2009

    So very smart. Yes I think the use of the zig zag stitching is great. Good for you and thank you for the tip. I will use it…

  8. Kay
    Sep 13, 2010

    You have such great ideas. I just found your website tonight and am really happy to see how truly clever you are at being both green and frugal.
    I can’t wait to make the paper bag mailer and some of the recycled denim things. I am going to spend a lot of time here, I can see that now! LOL

  9. kabeer
    Mar 18, 2013

    Good concept of using paper bag ! Stitching is fine 🙂
    thanks for sharing your ideas with us.


  1. All Things Eco Blog Carnival Volume Eleven | Focus says:

    […] carnival. I am very happy with this week’s turnout, so let’s keep it going RecycleCindy presents Recycled Paper Bag Mailer posted at My Recycled RecycleCindy says, “Recycle a brown paper grocery bag into a mailer […]

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Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

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