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My Fire

Posted on October 3, 2008

I post a picture of fire to represent how my radiation feels today. It’s like a fire under my arm and especially under my armpit. I have one more full breast radiation treatment on Monday and then I have my boost. The boost is just radiation to my tumor bed so my armpit will get a break — Yahoo. I need this break so much and will be very happy to be done with my radiation a week from Monday. Until then, please be patient with me as I haven’t been able to do much crocheting lately and haven’t had any new recycled patterns to share with you this week.

Rest assured, God willing, I will be back soon and in full health to post more free patterns very soon.


21 Responses to “My Fire”

  1. Kamrin
    Oct 03, 2008

    Stay strong Sista!

  2. Moonshadow
    Oct 03, 2008

    Take all the time you need, Cindy. We’ll be here waiting for you.

    Prayers your way!

  3. Gloria
    Oct 03, 2008

    I just came across your site via some Facebook Green links. It is a beautiful site and I deeply relate to you on two levels. First let me say that I was drawn to explore your site because I am an advocate for using re-usable bags instead of plastic bags. I first became deeply aware of this cause when I visited South Africa and experienced firsthand a community in which the free distribution of the bags had been outlawed. If one was foolish enough to go shopping without bringing one’s own bag, then one had to be prepared to pay a hefty surcharge for a tiny, flimsy plastic bag. I picked up the practice of bringing my own bags when I shop and now several years later I still do it everywhere I go. Also on that trip I encountered many women who were supporting their families by making and selling crafts. Some of the women were very adept at knitting with plastic bags. I was awed by this terrific way to put to use those bags which were still in circulation and had been collected and re-cycled in such an ingenious way by these women. My favorite item was a “bucket” type hat which I purchased and still have and wear to this day. I would wear it even more, but I find the smell of the plastic unpleasant and bothersome at times. I never know when I’m going to find the scent overwhelming.

    I said I was drawn to your site for two reasons. But I find I’ve gone on too long already. Let me just share that I was diagnosed with bi-lateral breast cancer in February of 2006. I know what you’re going through with the radiation. (I had 15 weeks of it since I had to do both breasts and they did them one at a time.) I feel for you and can only tell you that the burning will soon pass. Use your creams faithfully and continue to use the cream as the doctor directs once you’re done and you’ll be feeling better in no time. You may feel very tired and even fatigued for some time. Many do. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to rest and heal. Moderation is of the essence. If you are like me, you’ll be eager to put all this behind you and plunge into a your usual active and busy life. But don’t let it frustrate you if you find that you have to slow down sometimes. Pace yourself. You will find that you get stronger and stronger and will soon be back to your usual self. May you heal and remain well. My thoughts are with you.

  4. Nan
    Oct 04, 2008

    The free patterns are just a bonus, YOU are the reason I keep coming back! Hugs to you, Nan

  5. Knelley
    Oct 04, 2008

    Ouch! I know it hurts but if it’s any help to hear, I was a red, raw mess at the end of radiation and I was amazed at how quickly the skin healed. Hopefully, you’ll have the same experience. The worst is OVER!

  6. Cindy
    Oct 04, 2008

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful words of encouragement. Gloria, I just sent you an email reply. I appreciate all of you soooo much!

  7. timethief
    Oct 04, 2008

    I love your blog. It’s creative, artistic and very practical. Somehow I have the sense that the same descriptors also apply to you. Although I did not have the same kind of cancer, I am a cancer survivor. I want to send you all my very best thoughts for rapid healing and recovery.
    Love and Peace

  8. SewIknit2
    Oct 05, 2008

    Good luck, keep up your enthusiasm you are doing SEW well, and I always enjoy reading your blog and following your progress personally AND craftily!

  9. Sue
    Oct 05, 2008

    Oh Cindy…..

    I hear how you feel! Radidtion was SO hard on me and my body. I blistered, bled, and other fun stuff. I still have marks from it from 4 years ago. But my onc said that happens in only 5% of rads patients. My life story….

    will be thinking about you and hoping for the best!!

  10. Sharon Johns
    Oct 05, 2008

    I found out about your blog on Crochetville. You have a very interesting and informative website.

    My love and prayers are with you as you struggle through this.
    Keep up the fight girl!


  11. Lynne
    Oct 05, 2008

    All the best as you continue your rounds of radiation.
    God bless

  12. Megha
    Oct 06, 2008

    My love and best wishes are with you, as you bravely face this testing time of your life.

    May God bless you with strength, speedy recovery ,good health and grant all your wishes.


    Take good care of yourself dear and we all are waiting and praying for your speedy recovery.


  13. Bev
    Oct 06, 2008

    Poor you!

    I am so pleased you will be getting a break, hope you are feeling more comfortable and better soon.

    Lots of Love x

  14. Kenneth
    Oct 07, 2008

    Ouch! you advocate recycling while I advocate alternative energy, we might be on a different side of “save the world” spectrum but I admire this blog. Keep it up. oh, you might want to check this out: it might be of interest to you.

    Take care of your health

  15. Condo Blues
    Oct 07, 2008

    I’m pulling for you Cindy! Just keep thinking,”only one more week to go. only one more week to go!”

  16. Jo
    Oct 08, 2008

    Stay strong Cindy, my thoughts are with you.

  17. Veronica
    Oct 08, 2008

    Hi Cindy,
    Wow – you’ve been through hell and high water. Take all the time you need to recover – we’ll be waiting to read your latest posts when you’re feeling like yourself again!
    – Veronica
    PS – Congrats to you as well! Did you see that your fabulous bags made the list too?

  18. inge
    Oct 09, 2008

    HEY! Cindy

    I found your web site by accident for a job that I’m doing in South Africa ….You have help me out so so much ….Hope you get better soon!!!AND THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH !!!!

  19. ny_shelly
    Oct 09, 2008

    Hi – Hugs from NY. My prayers are with you. xxoo

  20. Julie Andrea
    Oct 09, 2008

    Hello Cindy,

    Oh my goodness, you are a strong woman, to be able to go through these procedures and then share it all with us, so candidly too!

    This may sound silly, but it works for me – when I am in a lot of pain, I imagine myself having a wonderful full body massage. I allow myself to take time to smile, close my eyes, and think deeply, really concentrate on that soothing feeling of my massage therapists hands. I let my mind go into great detail how wonderful it feels, I think this distracts me from the pain.

    I am wishing you well, praying that healing powers find their way to you.

    Hugs, if you want one,

    Julie Andrea

  21. Janet Robertson Warner
    Oct 11, 2008

    I just found your site today and it is bittersweet! What a wonderful thing you are doing with this craft and I am so sorry to hear what you’ve been going through. Godspeed on your recovery!
    Thanks for everything.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

Here is a direct link to all my free patterns available here on My Recycled Bags.

Thank you for stopping by to visit and for your interest in My Recycled Bags!