Another Chapter Closed
Well today I can say another chapter is closed in my pink journey story. For those readers who may not be familiar with what I dubbed my pink journey, I am referring to my breast cancer fight that began in March 2008. If you’d like to read the blog posts you can find them all here. Last week I finished my one full year of Herceptin that I had to have because I was Her2 positive for my cancer. And today, I had my arm port removed.
My arm port was removed by my surgeon in his procedure’s room at the doctor’s office. I was a little nervous as I have heard from several people that they go in a lot easier than they come out. Some people actually have them removed at the hospital under anesthesia but my surgeon assured me it would be fine to just have it removed in the office with a numbing to the incision area. I think the most painful part was the numbing as he had to stick the needle in several areas and the medicine stung as it went in. Then the port didn’t want to pull out very easily. He had to pull, tug, and do a few other things that I didn’t want to look at so I just looked away. He said I had quite a bit of scar tissue that had developed around the port. After several minutes of pulling, the port and the long plastic tubing all came out. I didn’t feel anything really other than a bit of pressure.
My arm is a little sore where the port was but it feels wonderful to have it gone. I always had to worry about not bumping it and had to be careful not to do anything very strenuous with that arm as not to damage the port or line into my chest. But that chapter after one full year is done. I am feeling almost normal or at least my new normal now. My hair has grown back, my scans are clear, and my doctors tell me that my long term prognosis is excellent. So tonight I take a deep breath, say a prayer of thanksgiving, and now move on with the knowledge that I have victoriously finished this chapter in my pink journey.
Tags: breast cancer
May 07, 2009
Three cheers!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!!
Congrats. 🙂
Aimee’s last blog post..Making Days
May 07, 2009
I am with you.
fuzzarelly’s last blog post..From Cultures Far and Wide
May 07, 2009
A very big congratulations. You must feel wonderful, and I’m glad to hear such good news. 🙂
Nim’s last blog post..Patron!
May 07, 2009
Wonderful news! Breath in deeply the Spring renewal and REJOICE!
Moonshadow’s last blog post..Spring Concert 2009
May 07, 2009
What wonderful news! Congratulations!
May 08, 2009
Congratulations! Enjoy your new you as much as you can, you deserve it!
May 08, 2009
This is great! So glad it was good news!
May 08, 2009
Praise the Lord!
Lynne’s last blog post..more textures a-coming!
May 09, 2009
Beautiful news! Thanks for continuing to let us share in your journey!
Eddie’s last blog post..Blog Neglect!
May 10, 2009
Wow, what wonderful news and congrats on closing your chapter so happily! I just found your blog through StumbleUpon and love what you`re doing here!
Genesis’s last blog post..A Mother`s Day Bonus: Motivational Interview with Lyss Stern
May 11, 2009
That’s wonderful news!!!
This Saturday is our Race For the Cure. My sign says that I’m there in Celebration of YOU!
Condo Blues’s last blog post..What’s this Yellow Mold Doing in My Compost?
May 21, 2009
Hey Cindy,
I just thought I would write. I too have been going through my own “Pink Journey” I was dignosed May 2005 and I had the whole deal full masectomy, chemo (yes I had no hair) and drugs that I am still on that are a pain in the butt. But I am here and still making stuff. And no news is good news right. I am now having major problems with reconstuction surgery but even that looks like it’s going to turn around now. Just thought I would say hi to a fellow sister in the trenches
May 21, 2009
Hello, today was just browsing thru some websites and came across yours. I instantly loved the gray eco-bag. and laughed at your comments about how long you had to save up Grey bags for this one project. ( you should see my house……everywhere I can stash bags, I do. and of course different colors are the most interesting of the collection. )
Anyways, traveling thru your site, i truely felt a liking to you and then continued reading on to find out that you have been fighting cancer. And just this month have experienced so much victory!!
Well cheers to you!! God Bless YOu !!! and take care.
May 29, 2009
Hi, Cindy. I found you on twitter and so glad I did. This post touched me. I recently made a digital mandala titled “Hope” and posted it to my blog.
Your post reminded me of why I created that mandala. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your good news about your pink journey. Blessings to you.
Fannie’s last blog post..Just Believe
Jun 21, 2009
Congratulations!!!! I am a new reader to your blog but came to this section right away as we all know the horrors this can bring! I am SO happy for you, I’m sure this journey will bring hope to many other women who are in your position back in 2008! IT IS BEATABLE!