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Next Leg of My Journey

Posted on May 7, 2008

Pink Ribbon
I start the next leg of my pink journey tomorrow. For anyone not familiar with my pink journey, you can read all the posts here. Early in the morning, I am having a port put into my upper right arm. From there I go to my first chemo treatment. My treatment plan is chemo 4 cycles — 3 weeks apart with Taxotere, Cytoxan, and Herceptin for 1 year. The Herceptin is because I am HER2 positive. I have some pre-meds for anxiety and nausea so I guess the Lord willing, I’m ready to go to battle against this foe. I would appreciate prayers for courage and strength as I begin this next leg in my journey. Thanks everyone in advance for your support and prayers,


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16 Responses to “Next Leg of My Journey”

  1. Angela
    May 08, 2008

    Prayers and warm thoughts offered up!

  2. Best of luck with your chemo, we will keep you in our prays. We going to the Boston breast cancer walk next Saturday and Sunday, I’ll try to take some pictures for you. It’s cool to see 1000’s of people who raised money from 1000’s of other people and all of them have one end goal in mind, to find a cure.

    Send me your e-mail and I will forward some pictures.

  3. Eileen
    May 08, 2008

    God Bless I will certainly remember you in my prayers

  4. Sister Diane
    May 08, 2008

    I’m sending you lots of positive thoughts, Cindy! And a big hug.

  5. Greenstylemom
    May 08, 2008

    Do well, Cindy. You’ll be in my thoughts.

  6. Millie Smith
    May 08, 2008

    My prayers and thoughts are with you, thru this journey . hoping all comes out great and that you have many positive thoughts thru all of it. My daughter just did a walk a thon of 39 miles for Breast Cancer Awareness for friends and all others, so a part of it was for you to. It was in Washington. Best of luck to you and keep us all updated, as you are a part of why we are in this link and keep us all going.
    take care

  7. Jaime
    May 08, 2008

    Wish you luck, you’re in my prayers!

  8. Alexander Morentin
    May 08, 2008

    Hi Cindy,
    I found your blog through blog catalog.
    I wish you the best on your pink journey.

    I have recently written a book titled Better Living With Whole Foods.
    I would love to send you a copy. It may help in some small way.

    I’ll keep you in my prayers.


  9. Moonshadow
    May 09, 2008

    Prayers going out for you.

  10. drenka
    May 09, 2008

    You have my prayers from Macedonia

  11. Nan
    May 09, 2008

    You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Bobbie
    May 10, 2008

    Hi Cindy –

    I haven’t visited your blog in awhile, so I was not expecting to see this post about the next leg of your pink journey at the top of the page. Now that I’m caught up, after reading your earlier posts on the subject, all I can say is that I wish you all the best for a complete and speedy recovery. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers, for sure.

  13. bgirlsquirrel
    May 10, 2008

    Hey Cindy,

    I come to your blog fairly often and I don’t know how I missed this. Just wanted to send you some warm fuzzies on your journey.

    Take care

  14. Trish McFarlin
    May 12, 2008

    Dear Cindy,

  15. Trish McFarlin
    May 12, 2008

    Dear Cindy,

    My thoughts and prayers will be of you tomorrow. I pray that you will have great stamina and fortitufe. I pray that God will be as close to you as breath on your cheek and that you will feel His presence every step along this journey. He loves you so much.

    God bless you and keep you close,


  16. rita merlot
    May 12, 2008

    having been through the “pink journey,” i wish you the best. keep up positive attitudes, because that is your best weapon.

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Hello, Iā€™m Cindy or aka RecycleCindy. Welcome to my blog site that is dedicated to recycling and crafting. I love to crochet and create crafts and other useful things from recycled materials. I share many free tutorials and patterns for creating recycled projects as well as other handmade items.

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